

© 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Welcome to Dynace Global Dynace Globalis a company that focuses onworthy partnerships, teamwork and fruitful collaborations, to ensure massive prosperity ofall her members. © 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CompanyRegistration © 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Company Registration Thailand Swaziland Nigeria Tanzania Zambia Ghana © 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED OUR TEAM © 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED HarryTee CEO Successfully founded more than 10companies in various Industries. Is a Venture Capitalist who consistently reinvestsprofits in new Startups to scale them globally. Has coached and motivated thousands of peoplein his more than 20 years of team building andMLM experience. “Your Life. Never Limit Yourself.Have The Courage To Challenge © 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Charles ChimaA graduate of University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria. A Leading AfricanBusiness and NetworkMarketing Consultant. Has 9 years quality experience in Network Marketing. Founder of the Charles ChimaFoundation which has empowered thousands of Widows and Young Entrepreneurs with StartupFunds, Cars, House etc. Has raised thousands ofMillionaires in the NetworkMarketing Industry. Was the Chairman of Hisprevious Company for SixYears with OutstandingResults. “Sacrifice is the Differentiator. Effort is a common Denominator while © 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CoachAdiDirector of Business Development Certified Professional Speaker & Trainer Helped producemillionaires in various industries Certifying over athousand competenttrainers 20+ Years ExperienceIn Network Marketing. Founder of Internetworking - Special DigitalMarketing tools designed for Network Marketing Cert IV Frontline Evaluation Diploma Training Cert IV Training Management & Effectiveness and Assessment in and Assessment Business and Sale of the Training MCI Australia (MCI & IRS PSMB) in MCI Australia (MCI & IRS PSMB) © 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Nicholas ChayTop Graduate atWork experience acrossThailand, Bangladesh, India,Director of Operations prestigious UKPakistan, Myanmar, Malaysia, UniversitySingapore, Indonesia, Norway,Hong Kong Extensive consulting,15 years experience in Digitalstart-up and corporate(since 2007). Travelled to moreexperience. Previously at12 countries to train top digital Facebook company.talents. •Certified Digital Strategy & Operations fromFacebook•Certified Professional Digital Marketer from Google•Certificate of Business Strategy from INSEAD, TopGlobal Business School 2022. © 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SimonOoiGeneralManager Certified and Licensed Pharmacist,Bachelor of Science (Honors), USM. Currently running a successfulcompounding pharmaceutical business. Over 10 years of experience in NetworkMarketing industry. Trainer and invitedspeaker for many NetworkMarketing companies internationally. Possess extensive financial investment knowledgeespecially in the field of Cryptocurrencies. © 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CoachDamonGeneralLeeManager 20+ years inOne of theTrainer and FinancialTop ManagerSpeaker for Industry andin Teamover 500 NetworkBuilding.Seminars & Marketing.Events. “The things that did not kill you,will only make you STRONGER. © 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Nigeria © 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Nigeria © 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Nigeria © 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Nigeria © 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Uganda © 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Ghana © 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Thailand © 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Philippine s © 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Malaysia © 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Malaysia © 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Malaysia © 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Achievers © 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED OUR PRODUCT © 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WhatisAGEING? •Ageingis agradual,continuousprocess ofnatural changethat begins inearly adulthood. During earlymiddle age, manybodily functionsbegin to gradually decline. • Prematureageing willmake youlook tired,appear ofwrinkles,dark spots,loss of skintone, saggyskin. What is AGEING? Premature ageing will make Look Tired AGEINGis a gradual, you : continuous process of natural change that begins in early adulthood. During Appear of Dark Spots early middle age, many bodily functions begin to Wrinkles gradually decline. Loss of Skin Saggy Skin Tone So how do we slow downor reverse ageing? Introducing DYNACEROCENTA DYNACE ROCENTA is the latest product ofbotanical innovation with newformulation to bring upwellness, rejuvenation andaway from illness DYNACE ROCENTA is loaded with powerful anti ageing regimes, essential vitamins and minerals from 6 unique and advanced ingredients. With DYNACE ROCENTA you can delay and reverse ageing withtheultimatecel process steml “Phytoplacenta”derivedfro Bulgarian rose and precursor m of NAD+ which is NMN mononucleotide). (nicotinamide DYNACE ROCENTA also boosts your metabolism and immunity to fight against diseases and illness. MainIngredients Bulgarian Brown Lotus Rose Placent Seaweed Germ a Extract Extract NMN Bitter Ashwaghan da Mononucleotid Melon Root e) Extract Extract The 1. Substituent of animal placenta 2. Small Molecules, high One of the main absorption, high retention ingredients of DYNACE The active ingredients of ROCENTA, which is the DYNACE ROCENTA are ultimate stemcell designed with nano uniqueness “Phytoplacenta”, is derived molecules, it can be from Bulgarian rose absorbed easily and of extract. It is scientifically rapidly by the human and clinically proven to be body. as effective animal DYNACE as 4. Superior derived placenta cell. ROCENT 3. Combination of high purity Coating The ingredients of the DYNACE ROCENTA A and natural ingredient are DYNACE ROCENTA uses coated with innovative multilayer coating to only natural and pure protect the active ingredients to develop a compounds from being powerful product to oxidized. The superior provide the best result coating can help to to the human body. extend the storage lifetime, to prevent nutrient loss and 5. High concentration 6. Free of harmful 7. Suitable for The chemical or halal and DYNACE ROCENTA animal sources Vegetarian are All ingredients in community packed with high concentration of DYNACE ROCENTA DYNACE uniqueness polyphenol, amino are ROCENTA is acids, protein, produced using free from animal of peptides and water extraction source which vitamins to boost process and all makes it suitable DYNACE skin natural ingredients are plant for vegetarian based. collagen creation consumers and no and boost cellular 9. Simple to consume, ethical issues. It is metabolism. easy to carry also processed by 8. High stability DYNACE ROCENTA halal certified ROCENT manufacturer. Innovative are packed in 10. Non-Allergen A small sachet multilayer coating makes it easy to of DYNACE carry wherever All ingredients use in ROCENTA serves you go and can DYNACE ROCENTA as a protection to be consume are plant based prevent possibility directly at and non of damages due to anytime, allergenic. external factors anywhere. such as humidityand temperature. BulgarianRosePlacenta The Ultimate stemcell --- “Phytoplacenta” Bulgarian RosePlacenta • Found at thevery heart ofyoung plantsand moreprecisely underthe pistil(nourishingliquid, feedingthe fruit duringits growththrough averitable littleumbilical cord) Packed withessential aminoacid (proline/hydroxyproline)which plays a rolein synthesis ofcollagen, which isimportant inmaintainingyouthful skin. Benefits of theBulgarian Rose PlacentaHigh antioxidant capacity  Promotes smooth and silky skin Increase skin elasticity  Help in wound healing Boosts Epidermal Skin Cell Regeneration  Promotes youthful skin DifferencebetweenPlant & AnimalAnimal PlacentaPlacentaLow stabilityMay have ethicalissues High risk ofinfectiontransmissionHigh risk ofimmunologyrejectionNot suitable for Phyto-Placenta  High stability  No ethical issues  Safe to use  Low risk ofinfectiontransmission  Suitable forvegetarian vegetarian NMN(Nicotinamide Mononucleotide) Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN)• NMNis a naturally occurringmolecule that helps power your body. • Within your cells, NMN is convertedinto another molecule known asnicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD). Your body needs NAD for a variety of functions involved in metabolism and energy production. • You might think of NMN as rawmaterial and NAD as the refinedversion that your body can actuallyuse. • The amount of NAD your body can make depends on the amount ofNMN available in your body. However, NAD+ leveldepletes • As we age, NAD+ level in the bodyover time…. decreases.This is found to be linked tometabolic and age- related diseases - diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, neurodegeneration etc. • NAD+ is naturallyproduced in our body. A continuousreplenishment withNAD+ is vital forcellular metabolism. Benefits ofNMN 1 2 3 4 . Anti . Improve . CCardiovascu . Strength Ageing Cognitiv lar Health en Immune e System Vitality Otherbenefits Energy Lowe Improv Promot Improv Booster r risk e e e of eyesig kidney sleep obesit ht & quality y functio vision n Bitter Melon Peptide• Bitter melon also known as Momordica charantia, mainly use for anti-diabetic. Bitter melon contains vitamins, polyphenols and minerals. It has high anti-oxidant properties due to the bioactive compound such as Benefits:  Lower the blood serum triglycerides Improve glucose intolerance Anti-cancer Anti inflammation Boost liver enzyme Reduce alcohol deposits in the liver Inhibit formation of adipose flavonoids, isoflavones, terpenes, anthraquinones, and glucosinolates. ANTI-DIABETIC fats Improve blood circulation EFFECT Lotus GermExtract Benefits:  Anti-aging Enhance immune system Stimulates the production ofcollagen Extend lifespan about 20%  Reduce the risk of Alzheimer’sdisease Reduce production of melanin Regulate metabolic process Promote skin whitening effect BrownSeaweedExtractBrown seaweed extract derived from Ascophyllum nodosum , is a species of brown algae. Brown seaweeds constitute a major group in all of the seaweeds. High concentration of carotenoid – Benefits: Balancing the hormones Remove heavy metals frombody Boost metabolism Reduce weight loss Anti-viral Fat blocker Delay absorption oftriglycerides Enhance immunity Support joint and bonehealth fucoxanthin to give brown seaweed abrown color. Brown seaweed packedwith abundant of minerals and traceelements mostly calcium, magnesium,potassium, zinc and also contains Omega 3 & 6 fatty acids. Benefits:  Improve insomnia Ashwagandha Root  Promote better sleep Boost fertility and testosterone level inmen Relief stress Reduce anxiety Lower cholesterol Help in weight loss Regulate blood sugar Extract • Ashwagandha, also known as Indiais Ginseng animportantherbs that use dinAyurvedic medicine, the traditional medicine insomnia India rheumatis and m.  Anti-inflammation 11 types of 15 types Enzyme Alfalfa Clove Co- vitamins minerals enzymeQ10 • To • Boost • Improve • Suppo • Protect • Improve increase bone digestio rt against heart energy health urinary cancer health level • Regulate n • Boost • Relief functio • Improv high • Speed liver migrain e blood up n function e• Good memor pressure biologic • Suppo • Increase y• Reduc • Strengthen al rt blood for chemica kidney the hair, circulatio pregna l e nails functio n ncy• Promot reaction fatigue • Aids in • Helps in • Reduce n • Reduc formation reduce e bloating • Lower of cough and e youthfu • Enhanc bad hemoglob flu stress l skin cholester in e • Maintain • Maintai • Support ol level • Support immun in n sharp • Prevent e gut respirator muscle vision• Increase functio colon health y health n cancer strengt • Improv • Anti- fertility • Improve • Reduce h e aging skin and inflammati • Improv immun tissue on e e skin healing • Regulate functio health n blood MajorBenefitsofDYNACEROCENT A 1. Powerful antioxidant to delay the progress ageing, promote cell regenerate2. Enhance immune system s 3. Eliminates the environmental polluted substance ,heavy metal4. Promote slimming effect body 5. Improve sleep quality6. Boost metabolism7. Improve circulation8. Reduce risk of the metabolic disorder symptoms10.Repair DNA 9. Regulates blood sugar level 11.Sharpenyour memory , cognitivefunction12.Improveeyesight and vision13.Support joint and bone health14.Boost energy15.Enhance nutrient absorption in thebody UPCOMING PRODUCTS © 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Upcoming Products Slimming Beauty Health © 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED MARKETING PLAN (USD) © 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 8 TYPES OF INCOME © 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Income Types Direct Pairing Key In Bonus Unique Award & Sponsor Upgrade Bonus Recognition Bonus Bonus Matching Unilevel Rank Retail Profit Dynace Bonus (55%) Bonus (60%) Incentive Academy © 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Membership Package Price PV Product Daily Pairing Monthly (USD) Pairing (USD) © 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED $840 480 20+2 ∞ ∞ $504 288 12 $657.60 $19,796 $126 72 3 $230.40 $6,912 $42 24 1 $50.40 $1,512 *24PV = 1 Pair For Upgrade: The Incremental Amount Needs To Be Paid And The Incremental PV Will Accumulate. For Example,To Upgrade From Elite To Platinum,Members Need To Pay : $840 - $504 = $336 And The Corresponding PV Will Be : 480PV – 288PV = 192 PV © 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Direct Sponsor Bonus(Platinum) $9.60 $28.80 $129.60 $216 © 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Direct Sponsor Bonus(Elite) $8.40 $25.20 $115.20 $192 © 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Direct Sponsor Bonus(Premium) $7.20 $21.60 $100.80 $168 © 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Direct Sponsor Bonus(Basic) $6 $18.20 $86.40 $144 © 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WALLETS Dynace Has 3 Unique Wallets : Bonus E-Wallet Repurchase Wallet Wallet 90%Of All EarningsGoes To BonusWallet © 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED While 10%Goes ToRepurchase Wallet Return On Capital 1) Direct Bonus 1) Direct Bonus 1) Direct Bonus $6 X 2 = $12 $21.60 X 2 = $43.20 $115.20 X 2 = $ 230.40 1) Direct Bonus 2) Pairing Bonus $216 X 2 = $432 2) Pairing Bonus 2) Pairing Bonus (1L/1R) = $4.8 (1L/1R) = $18.00 (1L/1R) = $86.40 2) Pairing Bonus 3) Key-In Bonus 3) Key-In Bonus 3) Key-In Bonus (1L/1R) = $144 $0.24 X 2 = $0.48 $1.44 X 2 = $2.88 $8.64 X 2 = $17.28 3) Key-In Bonus 4) Pairing Bonus 4) Pairing Bonus 4) Pairing Bonus $24 X 2 = $48 $4.8 X 2 = $9.6 $18.00 X 2 = $36.00 $86.40 X 2 = $172.80 4) Pairing Bonus Total Bonus : Total Bonus : Total Bonus : $144 X 2 = $288 $26.88 $100.08 $506.88 Total Bonus : $912 © 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Pairing Bonus BASIC FIRST $4.80 20% 1st pair SECOND $45.60 10% 2nd to 20th pair PREMIUM FIRST $24 25% 1st to 4th pair SECOND $206.40 10% 5th to 90th pair ELITE FIRST $86.40 30% 1st to 12th pair SECOND $571.20 10% 13st to 250th pair PLATINUM © 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FIRST$14430%1st to 20th pair SECOND∞10%21st to∞ *Pairing definition: 1 unit on the left and 1 unit on the right is equivalent to 1 pair INCOME SIMULATION(Basic-Basic) LVL Left U Right Development Bonus 1 1 1 USD4.80 2 2 2 USD9.60 3 4 4 USD19.20 4 8 8 USD38.40 5 16 16 USD76.80 6 32 32 USD153.80 7 64 64 USD307.20 8 128 128 USD614.40 9 256 256 USD1,228.80 10 512 512 USD1,512.00 11 1024 1024 USD1,512.00 12 2048 2048 USD1,512.00 TOTAL USD 6,988.80 This income simulation depends on the individual and the team according to the system. It is not a guarantee, so please © 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED attend the Dynace Academy to increase the probability of achieving this income. INCOME SIMULATION(Premium-Premium) LVL Left U Right Development Bonus 1 1 1 USD18.00 2 2 2 USD36.00 3 4 4 USD72.00 4 8 8 USD144.00 5 16 16 USD288.00 6 32 32 USD576.00 7 64 64 USD1,152.00 8 128 128 USD2,304.00 9 256 256 USD4,608.00 10 512 512 USD6,912.00 11 1024 1024 USD6,912.00 12 2048 2048 USD6,912.00 TOTAL USD 29,934.00 This income simulation depends on the individual and the team according to the system. It is not a guarantee, so please © 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED attend the Dynace Academy to increase the probability of achieving this income. INCOME SIMULATION(Elite-Elite) LVL Left U Right Development Bonus 1 1 1 USD86.40 2 2 2 USD172.80 3 4 4 USD345.60 4 8 8 USD691.20 5 16 16 USD1,382.40 6 32 32 USD2,764.80 7 64 64 USD5,229.60 8 128 128 USD11,059.20 9 256 256 USD19,296.00 10 512 512 USD19,296.00 11 1024 1024 USD19,296.00 12 2048 2048 USD19,296.00 TOTAL USD 100,944.00 This income simulation depends on the individual and the team according to the system. It is not a guarantee, so please © 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED attend the Dynace Academy to increase the probability of achieving this income. INCOME SIMULATION(Platinum-Platinum) LVL Left U Right Development Bonus 1 1 1 USD144.00 2 2 2 USD288.00 3 4 4 USD576.00 4 8 8 USD1,152.00 5 16 16 USD2,304.00 6 32 32 USD4,608.00 7 64 64 USD9,216.00 8 128 128 USD18,432.00 9 256 256 USD36,864.00 10 512 512 USD73,728.00 11 1024 1024 USD147,456.00 12 2048 2048 USD294,912.00 TOTAL USD 589,680.00 This income simulation depends on the individual and the team according to the system. It is not a guarantee, so please © 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED attend the Dynace Academy to increase the probability of achieving this income. $3,000$10,000$25,000$50,000$75,000$100,000$250,000$500,000$750,000$1,000,000 $150$350$750$1,250$1,250$1,250$7,500$12,500$12,500$12,500 © 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Binary MatchingBonus © 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Power of Unilevel – Passive Income Tier Group Members Monthly PV USD Level 1 10 10 x PV 20 x 8% 16 Level 2 10 x 10 = 100 100 x PV 20 x 8% 160 Level 3 1,000 1000 x PV 20 x 7% 1,400 Level 4 10,000 10,000 x PV 20 x 7% 14,000 Level 5 100,000 100,000 x PV 20 x 6% 120,000 TOTAL USD 135,576 © 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Power of Unilevel – Passive Income Tier Group Monthly PV USD Members L1 6 6 x PV 20 x 8% 9.60 L2 36 36 x PV 20 x 8% 57.60 L3 216 216 x PV 20 x 7% 302.40 L4 1,296 1,296 x PV 20 x 7% 1,814.40 L5 7,776 7,776 x PV 20 x 6% 9,331.20 9,330 TOTAL PASSIVE MONTHLY = USD 11,515.20 © 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WELCOME TO DYNACE © 2023DYNACE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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