Mermaids only exist in stories and oral traditions originating from Africa
The subject of mermaids is very interesting! These mythical creatures have been capturing the minds of many since the ancient world. They say that a mermaid is half human and half fish. The most talked-about are female mermaids. It is rare to hear a discussion about male mermaids. So, if these creatures do not hibernate, their population could be one to three. The question is, do these creatures actually exist?
In trying to explore this great subject, it is crucial to note that mermaids only exist in stories and oral traditions originating from Africa. It is also worth noting that science does not believe these creatures actually exist. However, science does not try to educate people about the non-existence of these creatures, which may indicate a degree of uncertainty. With so many ocean divers in the world, you would think that they would have seen one if they do exist. I will try to explore this intriguing subject further as someone who wants to know more.
In ancient civilizations and maritime cultures, voyagers would often narrate stories of coming across these creatures. However, these voyagers could have sighted manatees, dugongs, or sea cows, which look alike.
Mermaids have been depicted more appealingly in storybooks, art, and different cultures since the ancient world. However, due to movies, storybooks, and different forms of media, it is now difficult to remove these creatures from the minds of the people. However, it is important to remember that mermaids may be imagination, fiction, or may not actually exist.
Regarding Manatees and Dugongs (sea cows), we can describe these as huge aquatic animals that belong to the same order called Sirenia. They are named such because of their grazing pattern and gentle nature, similar to that of a cow. They are herbivorous and feed on water plants, like seagrasses. Their paddle-like flippers and horizontal tail assist them in moving in the water. These animals are well-suited to their aquatic lifestyle.
The physical appearance of manatees and dugongs is different from one another. Manatees are typically larger and heavily built, while dugongs are more streamlined against the water's flow.
Manatees and dugongs help to maintain healthy seagrass beds and provide shelter to various aquatic organisms.
Overall, it is clear that both mermaids and sea cows have captured the human imagination for centuries. While mermaids are mythical creatures, sea cows are real, and both are fascinating to explore further.